Registration for our 2025 PowerSkate program opens February 18th

Please read all information on this page before completing registration.

Our PowerSkate program is designed for 9-13 year old hockey players who want to work on balance, power, agility and endurance with our Skate Canada certified PowerSkate coaches. Full hockey equipment must be worn, sticks are recommended to bring in.

8 Sessions – $80

Mondays – March 31, April 7 & 14
Tuesdays – April 1, 8, 15 & 22
Thursday – April 24

7:30 – 8:30 pm
Sun Bowl Arena

All skaters are required to purchase a non-refundable Skate Canada Membership at a cost of $58.65 in addition to the program fees. This fee covers insurance, membership with the National Body, Safe Sport initiatives and more. This is an annual fee that covers skaters from September 1st to August 31 of the following year and is added to the first registration invoice only for that fiscal year.

Select the Uplifter logo to register now!